Ask BeeGee: Choosing a Major

By Genesis Lemus//

You are a senior in high school, struggling to decide what you want to major in as college life is quickly approaching. You can’t make up your mind and start college as undecided. You feel like you will never know what you want to do, and you want to give up.


I have some advice for you.

As a senior in high school, I felt like there was nothing I excelled at and there were things I was good at but not passionate about. For example, history was always my best subject in high school, but I didn’t want to study it or teach it.

I began brainstorming and writing my interests down. I loved photography, reading the morning announcements and I was always interested in learning how to edit videos. So, I looked into what major all those topics could fit into, and I found communications.

As a freshman in college, I still didn’t know where this communications major would take me, but I figured I would give it a try.

That’s the best part about going into college undecided, you have the liberty of taking any course in many different subject areas. Even though I went in exploring that major, I still also took a psychology course and my core classes.

I took a visual media class, a photography course and a media writing course to help guide me into a potential career in the communications field.

I also did not do it all myself. I used my resources to the maximum. I went to my adviser and asked all the questions that I could. I went to friends in those majors and did a bunch of research.

I was able to come to a good consensus of what the next four years would look like in terms of classes and also what a potential career could look like within the communications field. I ended up falling in love with it and have learned so much at Hood.

The beauty of not knowing what you want to do is that you don’t have to know it all right away. You have plenty of time to figure it out. It’s trial and error and Hood gives you the opportunity to commit those errors and find a way to fix them.

I fell in love with communications and now as a senior, I am confident in the career path that I want to follow. I am hopeful that the same thing will happen for anyone struggling to find their major here at Hood.

You can find a comprehensive list of the majors and minors available at Hood College here.

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