By James Fay
Professor Chuck Mann has been part of the Hood College community for 12 years, previously serving as the college’s vice president for finance and treasurer.
Mann is also an academic adviser and teaches ECON 205: Principles of Macroeconomics.
Q: Where are you from?
A: “Northern Virginia, more than any other place. I was born in California but also lived in Texas and a few other states.”
Q: Do you have a family?
A: “I have a wife, who her and I just celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary, I have two sons and one daughter and now five grandchildren.”
Q: Where did you attend for schooling what degrees do you have?
A: “I went to Texas Christian University in Fort Worth Texas and I got my BBA which is a bachelor’s in business administration and finance.”
Q: Why did you start teaching?
A: “I had a very strong background in macroeconomics from college.”
Q: Have you taught anywhere else before Hood?
A: “My first teaching job was at Gallaudet University. They asked me if I was interested in teaching macroeconomics.”
Q: What have you accomplished here at Hood?
A: “From a teaching standpoint, I have always loved making a connection with the students and opening their eyes to economics and finance and how we use it every day. Those are the things I love and continue to do it. From the administrative side, we grew the endowment from $35 million to over $125 million, financed Blazer Hall, renovated lots of buildings. It’s a very strong financial institute. I felt proud to put Hood in a good financial position.”
Q: Where can students find you on campus?
A: “If they email me, we can meet in the library or sometimes I can find an office over in Rosenstock.”
Q: Any other words to faculty and students?
A: “One of the things I have really enjoyed about Hood and the reason I continue to be involved with Hood is because I think it’s a very unique institution. To me, that’s what makes Hood special. We are very personal here and get to know each other and care for each other and I think that’s a special aspect of Hood College.”
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