SGA concerned by lack of participation

By Ellie Cooper

Only 102 students voted in the recent Student Government Association election.

Riley Fitz, senior class secretary and SGA president said the number of voters has not changed much compared to recent years. This can partially be attributed to the pandemic, which caused significantly less involvement than years prior, Fitz said.

Kate Weir was elected present for the class of 2026. Isaac Hatch was elected president for the class of 2027.

Weir ran unopposed.

“In high school I was National Honor Society chapter secretary, and I won that, so I think I have a pretty good track record,” Hatch said. Hatch ran against Shawn Graber and Hailey Barchacky.

Graber lost by one vote.

“Running for president was a bit stressful at first, but overall, I had a good time,” Graber said.

Graber posted flyers to facilitate student involvement. Most of the flyers did not abide by the campaign guidelines and were taken down the next day.

“I think a lot of people are a little hesitant because a formal election seems really scary, at least for first-years, [who] we are really trying to target,” Fitz said.

The current senators for SGA are Rachel Miller, Natanie Kosh, Kaitlin Beckford and Thomas Wheeler.

With only four senators out of the required 15 needed to run the association, the SGA will need to conduct informal channels to meet their requirements.

While attendance at SGA general meetings has improved, Fitz encourages students to continue showing up and participating in the elections and meetings.

SGA is a pillar for other clubs across campus. If students don’t participate, other clubs suffer from lack of funding and organization. Needs attribution

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