Coping with stress during finals


By Morgan Kamara//

Finals are approaching, and Amanda Dymek, the college’s director of Wellness, has some tips on how to cope with stress.

Dymek said she believes there are two big factors that create stress in students. The first is that students have a lot going on. “When we feel overwhelmed, stress response kicks in,” Dymek said. In addition to assignment deadlines, many students also have jobs on and off campus and family matters that add to the stress.

The second factor is being judged. “The expectations that we set and do not meet cause us stress,” Dymek said.

Exams, projects, and job interviews cause anxiety and make us second-guess ourselves. Every student feels the weight of that final project or exam during finals week. The fear of failing weighs heavy on every student. “We are afraid of falling and what that might mean,” Dymek said.

One way students can combat stress is by being prepared. “Taking steps to be prepared will limit how stressed we feel,” she said.

Another way is to distract the brain with activities such as going outside, listening to music, or taking hot showers, she added.

Another significant factor is sleep. Most students stay up until around 3 a.m. or 4 a.m. studying for exams for finals week instead of sleeping.

“Sleeping is something we sacrifice when stressed,” Dymek said. Understanding that students’ minds will be racing, making sleep hard, that’s why she is a massive advocate of distracting the brain to get the well-rounded sleep you need.

Dymek also suggested that students who need help go to counselor John Slick, whose office is in Room 8 in Apple.

He is available for non-scheduled appointments from 11 a.m. to noon Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. He will be available during finals week for anyone wanting to stop by.

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