Hood College hosts ninth annual etiquette dinner

Etiquette Dinner
Sam Driscoll, Lydia Schoonover, and Luke Sisco at Hood's ninth annual etiquette dinner.

By Zoe Finholm//

The Hood College Career Center hosted its ninth annual etiquette dinner on Friday, Feb. 24, teaching students how to navigate professional situations.

Before the event, students had the opportunity to have their headshots taken by photojournalism students. The photos can be added to their profiles on platforms like Handshake and LinkedIn.

During the event, participants were led through a five-course meal by employment expert Mike True. According to Assistant Director of Employer Relations Maura Page, True “has a regional reputation for being an engaging speaker and expert on all things professionally related to internships and employment. A previous employee of the Career Center learned of him and connected to the college.”

In between each course, while the next dish was being served, True gave advice about how to handle professional settings, including handshakes, properly wearing nametags and ending uncomfortable conversations.

Even though Page, Dean of the Career Center Lisa Littlefield, Career Program Manager Sam Driscoll and Career Center Graduate Assistant Hannah Furlow have attended several formal meals, they said they learn something new every year at the etiquette dinner.

This year, Littlefield learned about a new business card that allows the user to scan a code to pull up their contact information and LinkedIn profile. Page learned students should not put their phone number on their business cards. Driscoll learned if you’re the first person to grab the breadbasket, you don’t take a piece, instead, give it to the person on your right. Furlow learned you should pass the cream and sugar together, never separately.

“Students really seemed to enjoy themselves, there was a lot of conversation at the tables and students asked great questions,” Page said. “We were happy to have several professional guides at the tables with students to keep the conversation going,” she added.

Two networking events are coming up for students to practice their new skills, Page said. GenConnect on March 6 from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Coblentz Seminar Room and the Feminist Student Union Networking Event on March 7 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Library Learning Commons.

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