Hood student studies abroad in Sydney, Australia

Sydney Opera House. Photo from Wikimedia Commons

By Sullivan McGee//

A Hood student studying this semester in Sydney, Australia, encouraged all students to explore study-abroad opportunities.

The student, Rachel Shaw, a junior majoring in communication arts, is studying business and marketing with the Centers for Academic Programs Abroad (CAPA).

“It’s the most hands-on learning experience you’ve ever had,” she said.

CAPA: The Global Education Network is a program that has education centers in cities across the world, including London, Barcelona and Paris.

CAPA works with different institutions to send students to the global cities they offer. They have different focuses depending on which location a student travels to.

Sydney, for example, has a business and marketing focus. Shaw is taking courses such as an Australian film class, an Australian art class, and a class on international marketing.

While studying abroad may seem intimidating to some students and the process to register may be stressful, Shaw encouraged all Hood students to try it.

She said that studying abroad offers many opportunities for growth such as gaining new perspectives, learning about different cultures, and discovering different school and work settings.

Studying abroad can also teach students important life skills like independence, she said.

“It makes you grow in a way you don’t really expect,” Shaw said. “It’s a new level of independence that I never really thought I would have.”

In addition to classes, Shaw has an internship working for an Australian film company called Filmotion, where she mostly edits video and audio.

Shaw said she strongly recommended researching prospective countries before studying abroad.

“You have to be very cognizant of the culture,” Shaw said.

Shaw also said students should get an international credit card to make transactions overseas easier. In addition, she recommended getting some affordable room decorations.

“I’m definitely more homesick than I thought I would be,” Shaw said.

Decorating a room overseas can help to make it feel more like home.

Shaw also said that bringing some foods that students can cook easily is important.

“If you’re not used to cooking for yourself, learn some recipes you can cook fast and cook comfortably,” she said.

Students should also familiarize themselves with airports, as traveling overseas can be hectic and confusing.

Finally, Shaw gave a special tip for bookworms.

“If you’re a person who reads, get a Kindle,” she said. “You do not want to be carrying all your books and stuff.”


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