An influx of parking violations gains the attention of Campus Safety

By Sullivan McGee//

Campus Safety has noticed and issued tickets for many parking violations since the start of the 2022 academic year.

Recently, Campus Safety received several complaints from faculty and staff about students parking in their reserved spaces. Some students have even parked in the grass, which causes problems for the facilities department.

In addition to inconveniencing faculty and staff, parking in non-designated spaces can also be a safety risk, according to Chief of Campus Safety Thurmond Maynard

“We want to make sure that we don’t block traffic or make people’s vehicles more susceptible to be damaged,” Maynard said.

All students can park in spaces marked with a blue or grey sign, but the black and white signs are reserved for faculty and staff. Students must also have their parking permits visible in their cars.

Parking issues are not new at Hood. Maynard said parking is an “ongoing issue” and that information on Hood’s parking policies, as well as a map with labeled parking lots, are available on Hood’s website. Unfortunately, some students are still unaware of or misunderstand the policies until they receive a ticket.

The price of tickets for most violations is $25, but students will be fined $55 for illegally parking in a handicapped space.  However, students are able to appeal their ticket by emailing Thurmond Maynard at and explaining why their ticket should be rescinded. 

While Hood cannot guarantee parking for everyone at all times, especially between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., there are several other locations, some off-campus, where students can park.

Maynard said that there are usually spots open behind the Volpe Athletic Center and in the gravel lot next to Coffman Chapel. Additionally, there is community parking on roads just outside of Hood, such as Rosemont, Magnolia, Fairview, and Park Avenue.

However, Maynard emphasized the importance of acting respectful when parking and driving through local communities.

“We want to make sure that we maintain that good relationship, not trying to upset anyone because we all have to share the space,” Maynard said.

There are plans to increase parking options at Hood, such as expanding the gravel lot and the Carson Cottage lot.

“I’ll be excited, even myself, to be able to see when those areas are renovated for additional parking on campus. So, it’s coming.” Maynard said.


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