A farewell letter from the editor

As I sit down to write my last article and lay out these pages one last time, I can’t help but feel nostalgic.

I wandered into Carson Cottage on the second day of my freshman year unsure of what I was getting myself into. I was just a young and dumb first-year who wanted to write for the school’s newspaper. Now here I am, working on my last issue as Editor-in-Chief of that same paper.

While there were some ups and downs and a brief pause for the paper, we have made so many improvements since my first year here and I couldn’t be happier with how it is now.

I was fortunate enough to be named Editor-in-Chief my sophomore year and have been doing this job ever since. While I definitely complained a lot about how much work it was, I truly wouldn’t have changed a thing.

My time as editor has helped me in more ways than I ever thought. I’ve learned skills that will carry over to my future career and now have great experience within the news writing field. I have made great friends and gotten close with the best adviser there is, this one’s for you Atwood.

I’ve worked on about 80 papers for The Blue and Grey and written over 100 articles over the years and I still find myself wishing for just a few more.

While I am more than ready to graduate and attempt to join the real world, I will miss this job, the people I’ve gotten to work with over the years, and The Blue and Grey that I have become quite attached to.

Even though I don’t know what the future holds for me after May 21, I know that because of this experience and the people who have been with me since the start, that I’ll turn out just fine.

As of now, I am unsure who will take over as editor, but here are some words for whoever it may be…

Don’t let the amount of work scare you away. Once you see what you spent hours creating in person, you’ll feel so proud and excited that what you created is really being seen by so many. Listen to your staff and let them give you ideas for layout and anything else. Also, trust Atwood, what she says is 90% right even if you don’t always want to admit it.

It’s been a great four years being a part of The Blue and Grey, but today it all ends. Thanks to the best staff for a great ending and I wish you all luck in whatever you do next.

For the last time,

Delaney Crawford

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