Dance ensemble puts on spring showcase

The Hood College Dance Ensemble put on a spring showcase titled “Carry On” in the Hodson Auditorium the first weekend of April.

The showcase, choreographed by various members of the ensemble, consisted of 14 dances,  including multiple group dances, one by a guest dancer and two solos by those who are leaving after this semester. Some of the dances were a repeat from their fall showcase, but there was a good number of new dances as well.

“Hood College Dance Ensemble gave me the opportunity to continue to do what I love most,” sophomore Kennedy Barrett said. “Being able to continue dance with new people left me with amazing memories and Hood College Dance Ensemble will always have a place in my heart.”

The pieces showed how much work was put into the choreography.

“Broken,” choreographed by sophomore Gloria Vignola, was an emotional piece, with the dancers wearing light green dresses and white socks. The socks and hospital-gown-like dresses gave the impression that the dancers were supposed to be on the more emotionally unstable side and look as though they were in a mental institution.

“Stolen Kiss,” choreographed by Cori Mark, Friday night’s guest dancer, was an Irish dance consisting of numerous leaps and hops.

Also included was “Club Can’t Handle Me,” choreographed by Vignola, which was the dance performed during halftime of some of the men’s basketball games this season.

“The show went really well,” co-captain Dorian Young said. “While there are some things we’d like to see done differently next year, I think that our program is going strong and that the ensemble will continue to grow here at Hood.”

Act two from Saturday’s show can be found on Hood Instructional Technology’s YouTube account, as well as their fall showcase.

Auditions to join the Hood College Dance Ensemble will be held in September for those who are interested. Any questions about joining the ensemble can be sent to co-captains Dorian Young ( and Zoe Finholm (

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