Ask BeeGee: How to not crash and burn after spring break

Spring break is great. Until it isn’t.

A break from classes and responsibility is nice for a while, until it’s the first day back from break and it’s the first time you’ve opened your laptop to the 10 assignments you have due in less than 24 hours.

In a word…yikes.

Coming back to class after break is a whole other issue. Losing your motivation is easier than losing your keys. Which I do quite often.

All you want to do is continue your marathon of all the Twilight movies (what? They’re my comfort movies), but you need to tackle 100 pages of history readings and write three stories for the newspaper (like the one you are currently reading).

By the time spring break is over, the semester will be about half over. So don’t let yourself give up quite yet.

Remember what Big Time Rush said. You’re almost halfway there. Wise words from wise men (other than Carlos who has become somewhat problematic but that’s a whole other conversation and I won’t go into it right now).

The point is, no matter how much you don’t want to, you need to power through it. Otherwise, all the suffering and pit of stress that is college will have been for nothing. And don’t even get me started on the student loans I need to start paying back soon.

Power through the last few months of the semester, do the best you can, and then you’ll have the entire summer to relax and forget about school for a while.

You can do it. Trust me, I give advice for a living. Well, it’s more for academic credit than for a living but you get my point. You got this.

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