Big crowds attend Hood Theatre production

Jasmine Carter (left) and Jordan Costley (right) perform in "Five Women Wearing the Same Dress."

Large audiences came out to see Hood Theatre’s production of “Five Women Wearing the Same Dress,” which was utterly entertaining and comical.

Extra chairs had to be brought in for some performances of Hood Theatre’s third show of the year.

The five women may have been wearing the same hideous bridesmaid’s dress, but their personalities were hugely different, and yet all endearingly relatable in their own ways.

Dorian Young was a compelling witty and rebellious kid-sister as Meredith. Maddy Wilson’s Southern accent and pretense of purity made for an incredibly amusing Francis.

Rachel Shaw was fabulous as the skeptical and sarcastic Trisha. Jasmine Carter’s comedic timing made for a hilarious Mindy and Jordan Costley was wonderful as the supportive and playful Georgeanne.

The chemistry between the actors was what made the play for me, particularly Young, Shaw and Costley, whom I would believe have been friends since childhood as their characters were.

I was a bit worried that the entire play taking place in a bedroom would get boring, but I found myself totally engrossed in the dialogue between the women and entertained by their relationships with each other.

The only thing I didn’t love was the introduction of a male character nearing the end of the production. Devin Everett was great as the charming and eager-to-please Tripp, but I found myself wishing that Shaw would’ve had more dialogue with the other women instead of Everett’s character.

I assume this is how the play was written so its no fault of Hood Theatre, but it’s the only thing I would have changed.

Overall, the production was polished and the actors captivating as their respective characters, making for an enjoyable evening in the Black Box Theatre.

The Theatre will produce “Little Women” April 28-May 1.

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