Cailyn Barthlow spotlight

By Genesis Lemus//

There is no doubt that this season has been difficult for Hood’s student athletes, yet Cailyn Barthlow’s love of softball has not changed.

As a junior, Barthlow has a lot on her plate. She majors in biology and minors in chemistry with a pre-medicine concentration.

“It is difficult to deal with, but my professors and coaches are always there to support me,” Barthlow said. “Time management is a crucial skill that student athletes have to gain in order to balance academics and athletics.”

Barthlow started playing softball when she was 7 years old, but she said she did not think it would be possible to play this season.

“Playing during the pandemic has given me a sense of normalcy again,” Barthlow said. “Softball is such a stress reliever and a great break from studying for the MCAT and for my classes. It allows me to play my favorite game with my best friends.”

Despite her busy schedule, Barthlow was named Player of the Week by the MAC Commonwealth organization after leading the softball team to four straight wins over Albright University.

“It feels rewarding knowing that all of my hard work during the pandemic and off season had paid off,” Barthlow said.

The softball team is playing a shortened season with only 28 games this year compared to a normal season of around 40 games. The Blazers are 7-11 with 10 games left to be played.

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