Hood begins faculty search for 2021 fall semester

By Elena Rowe//

With the many uncertainties looming over the spring semester and next year, Hood College is in the process of change. In addition to the new library and the hiring of a new dean of students, the college is also hiring new faculty members.  According to Debbie Ricker, provost and vice president for academic affairs, this is a result of retirements from this year and last.

“We are in the midst of searches for a psychology faculty member, counseling faculty member, education faculty member, and computer science faculty member,” Ricker said. 

In addition to these searches for new department hires for the 2021 fall semester, the social work department is also in the process of hiring. The department is currently searching for an assistant professor of social work after the departure of Malikah Marrus last spring. Michelle Gricus, assistant professor of social work is head of the search process.

“Since we are still in the process of considering candidates, we aren’t quite ready yet to say who we hired,” Gricus said. 

Student involvement is crucial when it comes to the hiring of new faculty members following academic departments. Similar to the dean search, candidates are invited to offer a lecture to an existing class, then students can provide feedback at a later date using a survey.

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