Annual report documents 3 rapes on campus

By Zoe Finholm//

There has been an increase in sex offences on Hood’s campus, according to the 2020 Annual Security Report released by Hood College’s Office of Campus Safety.  

In 2019, there were three rapes reported on campus, one aggravated assault, three cases of domestic violence, one report of stalking, 41 judicial referrals for liquor law violations and 18 judicial referrals of drug law violations, according to the document.

In 2018, there were two reports of fondling, three reports of dating violence, one report of stalking, 40 judicial referrals for liquor law violations and eight judicial referrals for drug law violations, according to the document.

In 2017, there was one report of aggravated assault, seven reports of dating violence, two arrests for drug law violations, 57 judicial referrals for liquor law violations and four judicial referrals for drug law violations, according to the document.

Director and Chief of Campus Safety Thurmond Maynard said that there are likely even more cases of sexual assault on campus. Cases go unreported for many reasons, including feelings of shame or embarrassment, he said.

Maynard said Hood administrators “try to make it as easy as possible” for students and victims to get the resources and support they need.

The report also noted that there was a fire in Coblentz Hall in 2019 that was caused by a flame under a kitchen burner. In 2018 there was a fire caused by burned food in Coblentz Hall.

Crimes or suspicious activity should be reported by calling 301-696-3111 for an emergency or 301-696-3548 for non-emergencies. 

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