By Kashif Masood Opinion Editor
Dorm Cleaning Tips
Keeping a room clean has never been a top priority for an undergraduate student. Abagail Bash, a self-proclaimed cleaning professional, shares tips on getting messy dorms cleaned. “Since coming to college, I have learned a few things. Beer leaves less of a stain than soda on a carpet; naps aren’t just for infants; and a clean dorm room is imperative. Surprisingly enough, cleaning my room is possible without overexertion. There are seven steps that must be done in order to clean a room: 1) Music is a must-have because it provides a very upbeat tempo, while at the same time aggravating your mom. That is what motivates and keeps you going. 2) It is imperative to prop your door so that visitors will ask the inevitable question, “What are you doing?” (Which seems quite obvious with the vacuum in the hall, a huge trash bag full of unused papers, and a variety of cleaning agents) 3) After the first two steps are completed, the next step is to make your bed. It always adds that finishing touch, even though you haven’t begun to tackle the hard part, the actual cleaning. Don’t be fool — you aren’t finished — so don’t let yourself stop there. 4) Pile all the dirty clothes — including: those on the floor, hanging on hooks, hidden under beds, chairs, stuffed into corners and place them on the bed. This next part is tricky. Try to assess between what is dirty and what is clean. Now that we’re adults, we do our own laundry. I used to throw everything in the hamper and let the cleaning lady do the rest. But now that I know how much work is involved, not to mention quarters, and unless there are visible stains or mold, I normally just fold it or hang it and them put it away. I often times catch myself about to throw it in the hamper and then I realize, “Wait, I have to wash it myself!” It inevitably gets put away! 5) Now comes the other tricky part, vacuuming. Basically you just suck it up and it’s done. I hate vacuuming. It is one of my least favorite chores, but when it’s done the room looks much better. 6) Dusting is a must in college dorm rooms. I never seem to get all the dust especially when I lived at home. Nevertheless, it is something that must be done. Arm yourself with Pledge or any other furniture polish of that sort and plenty of paper towels. If at all possible, try to get every surface. There will be more dust in your room than you ever though possible. Make sure to warn people about what you did. Many cleaning agents, like Pledge, can make a bare floor very slippery. 7) Fresh scents. Now this is a new area that I just ventured into this year. There are many ways to keep a dorm room smelling clean. Keeping your window open all year long helps, but it has its drawbacks. It gets cold in the winter and it allows dust to set in, so that is a judgement call. There are tons of artificial methods for a “fresh, clean scent.” Carpet freshener works and that makes you vacuum so it has a two-fold purpose. “Plug-ins” are good too, they can also provide that extra decorative touch and there great night lights for those scared of the dark. You can find both varieties (night lights and decorative mushrooms or shells) at the local grocery store. Lastly, there are room deodorizers. I have been suckered into using this stuff, but to be honest, I am a little wary of stuff that you spray out, smells good, and says it doesn’t harm you. So there you have it. A few helpful hints in getting you room in working order. This method works best late at night and also hours before any parent or boyfriend may come knocking on your door. I have perfected this method here at school, but my room is always messy at home. It is the only thing my mom and I still fight about. So try to do it both here and at home. It will later result in fewer fights and you will have more time to do the things you love while at home.
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