The Vagina Monologues were presented to the Hood community on Friday, Feb. 24 and Saturday, Feb. 25. All of the proceeds from the show went to The Heartly House, an organization located in Frederick that helps victims of domestic abuse, child abuse, and sexual assault.
The show included a series of monologues written by Eve Ensler and was performed by Hood students. The event was sponsored by the Feminist Student Union.
The play was student directed by Catherine Vasko, a junior, and the student performances amped up its importance to a new level. The show aims to break free from the stigma surrounding female sexuality, and uses the power of word to get into the hearts and minds of its viewers.
Everyone in the production did an incredible job. Their passion for feminism and sexuality showed through their monologues beautifully.
The cast was able to have the whole auditorium laughing and smiling wide at times, but were also able to tell somber stories of sexual assault and violence.
In an earlier interview this week, Vasko said: “The overall show is just very empowering for women, and provides a sense of community. It brings light to these issues that people need to be educated about and gives a voice to those that need to be heard.”
After seeing the show myself on Friday, I can agree that the performance is incredibly empowering; it creates a safe place to fight the stigma surrounding feminine sexuality. The passion she and her actors showed for the play made it that much better.
All of the students cared and believed in the words they were saying. It was like they were a big family, and they were all supporting each other.
The chemistry between the director and cast members showed, and they worked hard on the show and those of us who went to see it saw that hard work, passion, and community.
Sometimes seeing something uncensored like The Vagina Monologues can really resonate with people and I believe that is the case with this show.
The Vagina Monologues are an annual tradition at Hood College and I would recommend you take the time to see it during your four years here. You won’t regret it.
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