Do students know about SGA?

Pie chart of poll results Created by Mary Milligan
Pie chart of poll results
Created by Mary Milligan

72.6% of students did not vote in the Student Government Association elections held in the past week.

In a poll taken, it was discovered only 32% of first-year students surveyed voted to elect their school officials. The majority of students who participated were first-years, followed by seniors.

In the results gathered from findings from the freshman class, 32% voted and 68% did not.

In the sophomore class, 8% voted and 92% did not.

The juniors garnered similar results, with 93% nonvoters and 7% voters.

The senior class had a split of 50% voters and nonvoters.

Also gathered in the poll, 48.4% students are aware of who represents them in the SGA and 51.5% are not aware of who is their representative.

In the 72% of non-voter students, their reasons varied.

When asked about their reasons for not voting, 53.5% of students said they did not vote because they didn’t know, 18% did not care and 28% did not vote for other reasons.

The other reasons given included not knowing the candidates and lack of options in the actual candidates.

*These results were taken from a poll of 85 students in Whitaker Campus Commons during common hour conducted during various days. SGA was not consulted for this poll*

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