Inauguration of Dr. Andrea E. Chapdelaine

hood chap

On October 17, students proceeded from Alumnae through the Pergola whilst holding signs and wearing blue, green, yellow and red dinks. Representing their classes, clubs, sports teams and overall, they represent Hood to the Frederick community. But this story is not about the students, but rather, their biggest fan.

The inauguration of Hood College’s 11th President began at 2:00 p.m., Saturday in the Hood amphitheater. People from Hood’s extended family came from near and far to invite and welcome Dr. Andrea E. Chapdelaine as the new President.

Much like many of us, President Chapdelaine knew she was meant for Hood right away. “It just felt very comfortable from the moment I stepped on campus, all the students were excited. This is where I belong.” She recently represented Hood at Albright College, where she had invested about seventeen years of experience. She was confident that she had made the right decision to move on, “I can tell the difference. It was time to go. I’m feeling more energized and more happy.”

On Saturday afternoon, before the crowds and the tents on the quad, there was just a woman, nervous for her speech. “Your audience is diverse, how do you speak to all of them? I’m trying to stay focused on the students, I want the message to be well-received.” Said President Chapdelaine.

This message, she said, sets the path and the vision for her time and what the future of Hood can be. Wearing a dark purple dress and a smile, she sits in her office and recounts how the first one hundred days were meant for learning and growing. For the President, the inauguration was the green light to begin working on what the students want most for this college.

“It’s time to really roll up the sleeves and do. For the first 100 days my job was to learn and to listen. I’ve met with government officials, alumni and donors. The more people tell me the better, bring it on, I say.”

As the new President, she is getting to know the community and its traditions. The students of Hood have had no problems walking up to her and expressing their concerns for the college. Many of which, Chapdelaine considers “easy fixes.” These are issues that affect us all such as food, parking and housing.

How is it that these issues are easy fixes, you ask? Chapdelaine recalled Hood’s previous President, Ron Volpe, had a love for being on campus and communicating with people everywhere he went. She acknowledges her communication efforts are different, sending emails and setting up walk-in availability for one-on-one time with Chapdelaine herself.

“Communication,” Chapdelaine said, “I try to be as transparent as possible by holding regular office hours and regular get-togethers with the faculty and other groups.”

As she said before, her speech was the one time when she is expected to appeal to the masses. The inauguration ceremony began with a prayer from Reverend Beth O’Malley where she reminded students of Hood’s enduring foundation that we carry with us while celebrating, “a new chapter in the history of Hood College.” Then Junior Jake Rogers set the tone of the ceremony with his poetic introduction, describing the atmosphere as a garden, “where tolerance and wisdom grow”.

Philip Berkheimer, Chair of the Board of Trustees, then introduces and welcomes all of the speakers celebrating Dr. Chapdelaine’s Presidency. The crowd heard from the President of Albright College, Dr. Lex McMillan III. He ensured students and faculty that they have chosen well because of President Chapdelaine’s commitment to excellence, extraordinary effort and leadership skills.

Representatives spoke of their own personal experience meeting President Chapdelaine and expressed their confidence in Hood’s newest addition.

“She is dedicated and hard-working. Her desire to meet students shows she is dedicated to the Hood Community,” said Senior and SGA President, Katie Bailey who represented the voice of Hood’s students.

Speakers from the State of Maryland, the Frederick Community, Community Partners, American Independent Colleges and Universities, Hood College Alumni, Hood College Faculty and Staff of Hood College.

After much anticipation, President Chapdelaine’s took the podium. She began thanking her family and friends, which she credited for their support and role in her success. Without any delay, the President began explaining all the changes and plans that have been set in motion for Hood’s future i.e. the already drafted 10-year plan.

“Thanks to [President Volpe’s] vision, I will lead an institution which certainly carries its greatness from the past. We are strong, vibrant and poised. I have no doubt that the tenacious spirit will enable Hood to face its challenges and be stronger than ever.”

The President mapped out her four-part plan: academic excellence, enriching experiences, enriching the community on campus and innovation. She quoted great American Pioneers such as Jack Kennedy and Steve Jobs. She referred to the Hood Community as “we” because she was now a part of Hood as it is now a part of her.

She also, reaffirmed the necessity of knowledge and power not just on a college campus, in life itself.

“Education is the light. Hood must become an agent of social change. Through partnerships we become a better institution. Willingness to ensure our student’s success enables us to become better versions of ourselves. It is much more than the ‘Hood Hello’.” Chapdelaine said.

Hood’s 11th President believes in the strengthening of relationships within and outside of the Frederick Community as well as creating “seamless pathways” between finishing undergraduate programs and entering graduate/masters programs. She thanked the students for their acceptance of diversity while preaching how vital it is for faculty and students to get to know each other.

Addressing the students, the President said, “I will seek to engage all of you. I will be your biggest fan even if that means holding you accountable to something maybe not so great. Strive to be a champion of liberal arts.”

Now, that patch of grass in the amphitheater once filled with white seats and black risers on a black stage is empty. The campus that was crowded with a collective group of people, students, staff, family, community members and overall supporters of our success, has returned to the normal hustle and bustle of full-time students heading to the library, the dining hall or Whitaker.

Although it seems that everything we celebrated ended so quickly, President Chapdelaine acknowledges the time and effort put into her very warm welcoming ceremony. Therefore, when she sat across from me in her office wearing her dark purple dress, she said, yes I have more to say. Speaking directly to faculty, staff and students, “I want to say, how deeply grateful I am for the many hands that made the inauguration. It shows how strong and willing people are and how much they love and are proud of Hood. It is the way Hood is every day. I hope everybody had fun.”

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