Music at Whitaker – Yay or Nay?



music in whit

Although having music play daily in the Whitaker Campus Center is unprecedented at Hood College, it has gained a positive reception from students at Hood.

According to an anonymous survey of 164 students, 95 said they would like to continue having music played at the campus center. In contrast, 25 students said they would want music gone entirely.

Upon answering “yes,” one student said, “I think it’s more fun that music is played at Whitaker. It enhances the social life.”

Another student said, “Yes, it’s nice, but at the same time there are people trying to study.”

Some students did not have black-and-white responses. 30 students said they did not care either way on the issue. 8 suggested that the station be switched to Hood’s own Blazer Radio, while 6 said a cut-off time for the music would make studying at Whitaker easier.

Noise was a common complaint among those who answered negatively. Those attempting to study in the later hours of the day mentioned that it can be difficult to concentrate with the music playing all night.

“I have friends who are commuters, and they can’t study in here anymore due to the music,” a student who took the survey said. “Music just adds to the noise.”

A sizeable section of students were apathetic towards the music regardless of noise or station.

“I like music, but I don’t care,” a student said.

Time will tell if music will become a staple at Whitaker or a thing of the past. For now, it seems that it has made a positive impression on the student community at Hood.

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