Life of an RA

Mary Milligan

The life of a resident assistant is seemingly similar to that of a typical student, however, after closer inspection, their days require additional types of responsibilities.

Other than student responsibilities like homework, classes, and various other activities, they must also attend meetings with area coordinators and duty nights. Additional responsibilities include putting work orders in, answering questions, and helping residents.

According to Alex Connor, an RA in Smith, his typical day consists of balancing his student and RA responsibilities while working against the clock. A Memorial RA, Molly Masterson said she never saves homework for duty nights because she knows it won’t get done.

The time seemed to be an unexpected commitment for both Masterson and Connor. “I definitely did not expect to have such strange hours when first putting my application in,” said Connor.

“The biggest challenge is how 24/7 this job is,” stated Masterson. “Even when you leave campus for the weekend you’re still worrying about what’s going on your floor. People expect you to be available all the time and in all honesty you kind of have to be.”

Being an RA is rewarding to those who are willing to take on the job. Phoebe Hassaine said, “The most rewarding part of the job is checking  up on someone who may have had an issue with school or a personal problem, then finding out that they are doing much better, like excelling with their schoolwork.”

Masterson said “The most rewarding part of the job is when I’m talking to a resident and we’re talking about issues, and they tell me that they come to me because I always make sense of things and make them feel better. It makes me think I’m doing a good job.”

Both Connor and Hassaine plan on continuing to be RA’s next year. Masterson is unable to because she will be studying abroad. “It’s a lot of fun, my experience has been nothing less than amazing,” said Connor.

“I love the job and have gotten to know my residents so well. I enjoy seeing them around campus and getting to be part of their lives,” expressed Hassaine.

The life of a resident assistant has its difficulties but those who do it find it rewarding.

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