Study Abroad Spotlight

Study Abroad Spotlight: Taylor Tolbard

Taylor Tolbard is a junior, Spanish and Middle Eastern studies double major. Last semester she studied abroad in Seville, Spain. This is an interview with her about her experience.

1) How long did it take you to get to Seville?
I had two layovers- one in JFK and another in Madrid so the whole trip was approximately 18 hours.

2) What did you do there?
I took classes through CIEE, the program I studied abroad with, traveled with friends and went on tours that CIEE planned.

3) What was your favorite part about studying abroad in Seville?
My favorite part was interacting with my host mom and her family. She is a wonderful lady and so much fun to be around.

4) What was the best food item you tasted there?
I tried “rabo de toro” (bull’s tail) but it was actually really delicious!

5) Did you travel to any other places aside from Seville?
I traveled around Spain, so I went to Madrid, Barcelona, Santiago de la Compostela, Granada, Córdoba and Cadiz. The last three are all in southern Spain and pretty close to Seville.

6) How many other places have you traveled before your trip to Seville?
Before my trip to Spain, I went to Paris, London and Zurich in Switzerland during the summer of 2010 through Girl Scouts, which was also a lot of fun!

7) Any advice for students planning to study abroad for a semester?
My advice is to go! Studying abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of experience and so enriching. Don’t be afraid to try new things; that’s what makes your trip truly memorable.


Study Abroad Tips from Kate Emory, International Undergraduate Admission Coordinator

For students who are thinking about studying abroad

The overall reason behind studying abroad is to open new avenues for information, experience, and connections between students in the United States and their hosting communities. Students have the chance to personally experience cultures and countries they have learned about, while having the opportunity to interact with the local society. That society, in exchange, has the opportunity to meet American students and bridge barriers between peoples. It may sound cliché, but the truth is that study abroad can change your life, give new insights into what your area of study is, give you the opportunity for life-long friendships, and can help you recognize your own culture.

Studying abroad during college

After you graduate from college, the opportunity to ‘study’ abroad diminishes greatly. This is the best time in your life to spend months away from home getting to know a new culture, and learning more about yourself. It is also beneficial to learn your area of study from a new perspective. If you plan to study a foreign language, studying abroad will help you practice that language to increase your fluency. If you are studying in the social sciences, you can gain a new perspective on your field. There are endless possibilities when you study abroad.


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