Clubs offered at Hood

By Mary Milligan

Hood advertises as having over 60 clubs, yet inactive clubs are advertised on the website for five years to try and revive them.

Clubs stay on the website to spark interest in students and prospective students. Inactive clubs still have email addresses that go to student life so that they can let students know how to restart the club.

It is important for admissions to keep recently inactive clubs on the website so that prospective students know that they have the option to restart. They are currently working on finding a way to acknowledge inactive clubs on the website.

Clubs are an appeal to prospective students. Although they might not all currently be offered, they can easily be restarted and may push a student’s interest to choose Hood over somewhere else.

“When a club is inactive for over 5 years they come off the list, or if we know that the organization has changed or merged with another,” said Don Miller, Director of Student Activities. An example of a merged club was when HOSA became a wing of the Black Student Union.

Clubs that are currently inactive but still unlisted clubs include: Health Professionals Club, which some students are interested in bringing this organization back to active status, Philosophy Club, Amnesty International, College Democrats, College Republicans, Habitat for Humanity, and more.

“I would want to join the film club because I think that it would be cool to just watch films and talk about them, but the rest of the clubs seems kind of boring,” said Lydia Jines.

Abigail Jines said, “I would potentially be interested in the Health Professionals Club because I was part of something similar in high school. I’m sure it would be beneficial since we just launched the nursing program.”

To students there does appear to be some interest in these inactive clubs, yet the interest of a few students is not enough to restart. There needs to be a group of students to go from inactive to restarting.

There are also clubs that are listed that do not often host school wide events. These clubs are much more membership based rather than school wide based.

Clubs that may appear inactive, but they are clubs that are often major based that students can use for the resumes and build experience in the prospective fields. These clubs include Student Social Work Organization and Student Education Association.

Often for students who are not in the niche of these areas it is hard for them to become involved. Due to the nature of these clubs they usually tend to advertise to the specific classes and areas of study so that the right group gets the information they need about it.

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