SGA News Corner Update: April

Logan Samuels

The snow has finally melted and SGA is gearing up for several fun spring events to enjoy the beautiful weather and prepare for next year.  Along with a change in the temperature, comes a change in the people of student government. Elections will take place during the week of April 14th. Be sure to come to Whitaker between 11 and 5 to make your vote count, or even run for a position yourself! SGA will wrap up this month with our final senate meeting on April 22nd where we will introduce our new senators for next semester. With the year winding down, classes may be coming to a close, but there are plenty of activities for you to keep an eye out for! On Sunday, April 13th SGA will be hosting its annual Easter Egg Hunt where everyone is welcome. Also be on the watch for the Hood Olympics which will be taking place during May Madness at the end of April. If you want to show how much you love Hood, be sure to come to Give Your Heart to Hood day on April 25th to help plant flowers around campus. If you are curious to see which students will be representing you as your newly elected SGA leaders, you can find out at the Passing of the Gavel ceremony on April 23rd. To stay in the know about all things SGA that are going on at Hood or are coming up soon, remember to look for our e-newsletter.

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