Upcoming Crosswalk Near Hood Campus Excites Students

By Stacey Axler

forward to the installment and com­pletion of a new cross walk that will be built across 7th Street in order to facilitate a safer route for Hood Stu­dents to cross to the Safeway Shop­ping Center.

This new crosswalk was insti­gated by the support of the Student Government Association (SGA), who realized that Hood students needed a safer and more efficient way to cross the busy street.

The SGA passed a measure to petition the city Aldermen on November 6, 2012. This measure passed unanimously.

The construction of the cross­walk may take several weeks, but this process will begin directly over winter break for Hood students.

A lot of the work for the cross­walk will be completed by the Hood College Facilities Department.

The entire Hood Communi­ty seems excited by the upcoming installation of this crosswalk, that will present increased safety and efficiency when crossing the busy street.

“This crosswalk will help speed things up when crossing the street. Once, I waited to cross for almost a half hour,” junior Mercedes Barbosa said.

Similarly, junior Kate Kopasek said, “I’m glad about this change be­cause it will allow crossing the busy street to become much safer and eas­ier for everyone on campus.”

To keep up with Student Government Association updates, be sure to “like” Hood College’s SGA on Facebook!

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