Fashion Column: Finals Clothing and Personal Hygiene Ettiquette

By Dani Kuhr

It is finals week everyone. Did you notice too that a lot of people walk around campus looking like hobos and don’t seem to care enough to take a shower or brush their teeth?

I know finals week is a lot of work but still, no need ignore your hygiene or your looks! With some simple tricks you don’t waste your study time and still look nice.

How about you wear a bow bun instead of the messy one that you put your unkempt hair in? It only takes a minute to change the normal bun into a bow one.

For directions you can just search YouTube for tutorials. And if you have really soft hair like me, it stays in the position even better if your hair wasn’t washed that morn­ing.

Another nice trick if you want to look nice and don’t waste time with putting on fancy make-up, is one I learned from my favorite actress Leighton Meester.

Lipstick in a bright red (please make sure the shade of red works with your skin tone)! You can put it on in just a few seconds and it will make a big difference.

There is also no need to wear pajamas just because of a lack of time to dress or pick out clothes. You have to take a break from studying every once in a while anyway.

Instead of being on Facebook or Pinterest, you could take a five min­ute break and pick out your clothes for the next day.

I hope I don’t have to mention that you should always be brushing your teeth and taking showers.

Please do that. And deodorant was invented for a reason, too.

Well, I hope you will survive finals week with these tips and still look like yourself and not like the hobo version of you.

Good luck on your finals!

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