Hood College Memes Page Sparks Conversation

By: Stacey Axler

Recently, the Hood community has become interested in a new campus-wide fad, a facebook page calledHoodCollegememes.

Hood College Memes now has over 580 “likes” on Facebook, which encompasses over half of the Hood undergraduate population.

“I like to read Hood College memes because they are really funny and provide a nice distraction from a busy day,” sophomore Brittany Gammel said.

The Facebook page has over 60 memes; pictures or images paired with words or slogans.  The Facebook page features memes that represent Hood College, such as images depicting splitting the pergola poles or choosing a side to sit in at Coblentz Dining Hall.

The Facebook page has become a unifier on campus, as many students and alumni “like”Hood College memes on Facebook, with members ranging from SGA members to RAs in the residence halls to friends of current Hood students.

“I really like the [memes] because I find them funny, and everyone on campus is talking about them.  It is fun to see who will generate what memes,” said sophomore Kate Kopasek.

Some students feel as though the memes spark unnecessary controversy amongst students.

Senior Brian Cathcart said, “I think they’re funny, but they’re becoming a way for students to rant about how the college operates.  That can be positive but it can also have negative effects.   The memes page was meant to be funny for everyone to agree on. But once someone posts a meme that is controversial, or critical, it can create an argument that defeats the point.”

The Hood college Meme page remains open to anyone who wants to post or share ideas.  The page continues to increase followers ever day.

Historically, memes are ideas shared between groups of people with a similar goal or purpose.  Internet memes have grown in popularity since the creation of social networking websites, such as Facebook.

Overall, Hood College Memes provide the Hood community with a creative outlet to discuss topics about the college.


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