Students Enjoy Latest Display in Tatem Art Gallery

By: Stacey Axler

Over 30 members of the Hood community recently came to Tatem Arts Gallery to support the art gallery opening of the exhibit “Everybody Knows.”

The “Everybody Knows” exhibit on Oct. 13 ran from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., and featured artwork from several mediums including charcoal drawings, photography and video.

“I wanted to come to the gallery opening because every time I walk into Tatem Hall, I tend to look at the art on the walls. This time, I was most interested in the charcoal drawings,” junior Nilsa Gonzalez said.

Altogether, the gallery opening featured over 20 pieces of artwork; however, the big charcoal drawings at both ends of the gallery seemed to draw the most attention from spectators.

Many members of the Hood community who attended the reception deeply appreciated the amount of detail and the high quality of the artwork featured.

“The different photographs are interesting, you need to look at them several times to see all of the detail included,” senior Katie Rattigan said.

The different aspects displayed in the art exhibit intrigued many inquisitive spectators.

“I find the exhibit really interesting,” sophomore Stephen Cloud said. “There was a good turnout this year to the gallery opening, and I think this exhibit is a great way to start off the semester.

Many individuals enjoyed the images presented in the artwork that represented simple images.

“I really enjoyed the minimalist art featured in the gallery for this exhibit, and I had a great time,” Gonzalez said.


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