From the archives

“From the Archives” appears in every issue of The Blue and Grey. First is an article from the back issues of The Blue and Grey, and below it is a present day analysis from one of our staff reporters. This column highlights the historical value of our publication and links the past to the present.

“Blue and Grey Origins Date Back to 1919 A.A.”

June 1, 1932 

The Blue and Grey was started in 1919-1920, when a four-column paper was published triannually during the college year by the Athletic Association, and was sold to work up interest in the gymnasium fund.  There were only five members on the staff.  This paper lasted only one year, and, in the spring of 1921, the first edition of The Blue and Grey was published. By this time, the staff had increased by 15 members.  It was the enthusiasm and energy of these first members of The Blue and Grey that really established the esprit de corps in this field of college activity.  Editorial subjects ranged from The Value of Victrolas in a College to Why not Play with the Orphans?

The year of 1925 saw the paper enlarged to a six page edition.  It had closer print and larger columns, a distinct advantage over previous issues.  By 1927 the editorials were longer and contained more serious thoughts.

In 1929, The Blue and Grey boasted five columns, an editorial staff of 16 members, and a business staff of 11.  A 14-page issue appeared in February 1931, in honor of The Blue and Grey’s Tenth anniversary.  In the past year a literary critic and a “chatter” reporter have been added to the ranks making a total of twenty-three students on the editorial staff and twelve on the business staff.

From the Present: 

Photo by Vepser Arnett

By Andrea Haines

As the summer weather fades (and apparently as the rain storms arrive), students are getting back into the routine of classes and schedules. 

Freshmen and even returning students are quickly accumulating a list of things that we need to survive the semester, dates for papers, or things we’ve just forgotten to pack.

Personally, I’ve had to get used to newspaper deadlines again. As the semester continues, I’ll probably be found on the second floor of the library the day before my articles are due, pouring through back issues of The Blue and Grey. 

As I settled down in the library to find an appropriate article to write about for this round, I did my usual routine of selecting a pile of random years, settling down at a desk and opening up to random pages. 

When I found an article detailing the evolution of the Blue and Grey, albeit only the very beginning stages, I realized that I have never considered the history of The Blue and Grey.  I normally focus on the history of Hood, but as I flip through the pages of previous issues, it is evident that the paper has undergone enormous changes.

As of the year 2011, the paper has five columns, eight to ten pages, and an ever-changing number of writers.  We have branched out to included distinct sections, each headed by their own editor and we’re on our 92nd year!

Perhaps in eight years some lucky soul will be continuing the From the Archives article and celebrating 100 years of newspapery-goodness. They’ll write an article on an article on an article. It’s newspaper Inception.

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