Campus to Receive More Security Cameras By Next Semester

By Logan Samuels

With fall almost upon us, the leaves are starting to change and if we look around campus, there have been several other changes involving campus security as well.

One of the more commonly talked about changes this semester would be the new installation of security cameras at Hood.

During the summer, Campus Safety took the initiative to install several cameras throughout campus in order to help protect our Hood Community. Naturally, people have become curious as to why the cameras have been installed and our very own

Captain Tobery, the assistant chief of campus safety, was kind enough to provide us with some background information.

Tobery texplained “last year a committee was formed to explore the options of CCTV on campus. By the end of the project, 48 CCTV cameras will have been installed on campus”.

Some locations of the cameras include “each of main dormitories’ entrances and exits, campus entrances, academic buildings, and parking lots” as well other access areas on campus.

Tobery explained that these cameras were put in because “HoodCollege is committed to providing a safe environment by integrating the best practices of community policing along with state of the art technology”.

Next semester, campus safety plans to install more security cameras.

Hood is always trying to make its students feel safe and these cameras should help create a sound environment by deterring crime and protecting the safety of both property and students. Hood students should not feel like they are being monitored all of the time, but instead that they are being watched over and taken care of as Campus Safety always has the best interest of students in mind.

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