The Blazer introduces new loyalty program

Loyalty Card
The B&F Loyalty Card.

By Aden Sievert//

Hood College is introducing a new loyalty program at The Blazer in Whitaker Campus Center.

The new program, which began at the end of March, is an extension of the loyalty card program that Peet’s Coffee is currently using.

Now when you buy something with Blazer Bucks from Burgers & Fries, Fresh Flats, Swirl, and Peet’s Coffee, you will receive a loyalty card. The card has 10 spots to be marked and once all the spots are filled, your 11th item is free.

John Bragel, director of Dining Services, introduced the card as a thank you to Hood students.

“We wanted to find a way to thank the campus for their continued participation in the Blazer locations, so we thought it would be a great way to say thank you,” Bragel said.

To get a spot marked, you must purchase either hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, or a cheesesteak from Burgers & Fries. You can also get a spot marked if you buy a flatbread, coffee, or a smoothie. Meal exchanges are not a part of the new loyalty program.

Many students are excited to fill out their cards and get their free items later this semester. “I’m hype all the Whit sandwiches that I’ve been eating are finally paying off,” said junior Connor Bross.

If your card is nearly complete and the semester ends, hold onto it and you can finish filling it out next semester.

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