Ask BeeGee: How to convince your best friend to dump her horrible boyfriend

By Maddie Garvis

My best friend is perfect. I mean actually, perfect.

She’s kind and intelligent and independent and selfless. She is there for me when I need her, without fail. She is one of my favorite people in the entire world. She deserves all the good things that are out there.

Which is why I think she should dump her horrible boyfriend.

I don’t know a lot about him, but I know that he makes her miserable because he’s too busy to spend time with her, but not too busy to go to the gym for hours. Trash.

But let’s think a little more positively for a moment (mostly because my friend will kill me if I talk about her relationship any more in this column).

When your friend is struggling with relationship problems, sometimes the best thing to do is listen, instead of trying to tell them what to do. Making the title of this column somewhat misleading…sorry.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is to just be their friend, even if all you want to do is slap the smirk off the boyfriend’s stupid face.

Sit on their floor, listen to their rant, and agree with them. Validation can mean more to a person than you may ever know.

Go out to eat with them and eat way too much, carbs are a girl’s best friend after all (note to self, never go to Olive Garden the Saturday before Valentine’s Day).

Tell them how amazing they are, and that the success or failure of their relationship doesn’t say anything about who they are as a person.

Make sure they know how important they are to you, and that no matter what they decide to do about their horrible boyfriend, you will always be there to listen, eat lots of pasta and sing along to musical soundtracks in the car with them.

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