Ask BeeGee: How to make the best of winter break

By Maddie Garvis//

A break from school, or a break from life as you know it? Winter break is a time of rest, but it can also be a time of forced separation from friends and other social connections.

Lots of college kids, particularly upperclassmen, find themselves lonely over winter break, as they’re away from their college friends, and don’t have many friends from high school left in their hometown.

It can be a little bit of a shock to go home when you’ve gotten used to living in a different place for the last four and a half months. It can be like a whole different world.

If you’re like me, it means going from the progressive liberal arts land that is Hood College to the conservative small-town hell that I grew up in.

Sounds fun, right?

Even so, try to make the best out of your time off from school. Watch the show in your Netflix queue that you’ve been dying to start. Work that minimum wage job you hate to save up money for that trip you want to go on this summer.  

It’ll all be worth it when you’re sitting on the beach sipping a margarita, or a non-alcoholic beverage if you’re under 21 (the Blue and Grey in no way condones underage drinking).

Go eat at that restaurant you’ve been wanting to try. Experiment with a new hobby. Spend quality time with your friends and family, finish up your Christmas shopping, play laser tag at your local shitty mall. Laser tag is a highly underrated form of entertainment in my opinion.

Whatever you decide to do, don’t spend all of winter break simply “relaxing.” Also known as doing nothing. While doing nothing the first few days of break is a relief, it can get pretty boring pretty fast.

Use your time wisely! Before you know it, you’ll be back in a classroom longing for summer break.

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