Ask BeeGee: How to prepare for midterms

By Maddie Garvis//

Midterms. Ugh. It’s the week every college student dreads but is unfortunately inevitable. Exams, projects, presentations, the midterm grade report that either ruins your confidence or boosts it to astronomical levels.

Whether you’re stressing over a biology exam or a presentation in art history, the best way to prepare is to start early. No matter how many cheesy college movies swear by the art of cramming, it just doesn’t work. Just look at my biology midterm from sophomore year.

In a word, yikes.

Find the study method that works best for you. Flash cards (or Quizlet for those trying to save the trees), using a white board in the library’s study rooms, forming a study group with other people in the class, figure out what works the best and stick to it.

Try to start studying a week or so before your exam. Spend a couple hours a day studying for six or seven days instead of spending eight hours studying the night before.

Your sleep schedule and your exam grade will thank you.

As far as presentations go, finish creating the presentation early so you spend a few days before practicing your delivery. A lot of professors grade based on your ability to present as well as the content. Practice in front of your friends, the more you do your presentation in front of people, the more comfortable you will be.

When presenting, confidence makes your presentation infinitely better and more engaging.

Don’t worry too much and remember to sleep, stay hydrated, and don’t get too wrapped up in your grades. They’re important, but your well-being is what matters the most.

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