Featuring Hood’s ombudsperson

Wanda Ruffin Photo Courtesy of Marketing and Communications Department
Wanda Ruffin
Photo Courtesy of Marketing and Communications Department

Contributing Writer James Brown

The ombudsperson office offers a safe place where students may speak confidentially about conflicts and other matters of concern and can obtain guidance in a candid and authentic manner without fear of reprisal.

Hood College has its own ombudsperson, Professor of Psychology and Thanatology Wanda Ruffin. Professor Ruffin’s role is to “be a confidential source and help students if they want it.”

Professor Ruffin isn’t responsible for solving students’ issues, but rather a listening ear to help students resolve issues or point them in the right direction.

Information provided to Professor Ruffin is confidential in all situations except for sexual assault and sexual misconduct. Issues of that nature must be presented to the necessary administration to determine disciplinary action.

Meetings with Professor Ruffin are typically more than a one-time session because some issues need to be resolved over time and students need emotional support during the process.

The most common issue seen by Professor Ruffin as the ombudsperson has been students feeling as if they are being treated unfairly.

However, Professor Ruffin has discussed a variety of issues with students including roommate disputes, relationship issues, discrimination, and many more.

Professor Ruffin only gets about six to eight ombuds cases a year, two cases so far this semester, and would love to help more students that need or want it.

Professor Ruffin is a resource for all students, faculty, and staff to use. If you would like to speak with Professor Ruffin about an ombuds related case she can be contacted through her email ombuds@hood. edu or by phone at 301696-3295.

To read more about Professor Ruffin and the role of the ombudsperson please visit the Hood website, click on “Current Students”, and “the Ombudsperson” link will appear on your right.

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