Letter from HCSGA President

Greetings students!

My name is Logan Samuels and I will be serving as the President of the Hood College Student Government Association for this academic school year. I wanted to take the time to introduce myself and to re-introduce the image of the HCSGA.

The boiled-down mission of HCSGA is to be a voice for the student body. We pride ourselves on the ability to survey what students want and need to see on campus and then use our positions as a catalyst for provoking action and change.

This year, HCSGA is determined to change the way we operate so that we can better help the students of Hood College. Over the next few weeks, you will be seeing a variety of new offerings from the HCSGA that we have configured and redesigned to best represent you.

HCSGA executive members will now be available to hear your concerns through new office hours where you can seek a specific member out and address any concerns you might have about our organization, a student organization you are involved in or an issue on campus. We are actively pushing to be more visible on campus and more proactive about seeking issues and formulating them into positive and constructive change.

We are also currently in the process of revamping our website to simplify finding forms regarding new organizations, budgets, elections, etc. and having a go-to place to learn about the people behind the HCSGA and how you can get involved.

The HCSGA executive board has been in full swing for the past few weeks and this week, now that we have successfully hosted our fall elections, our senate will go back into session. I strongly encourage each of you to attend as many senate meetings as you can, as they are open to the public, and this is a great way for you to express concerns to a forum of people who can support you and take action.

It is our aim to stand up for what students want, but we cannot do this without your assistance, so please do not hesitate to speak up and bring forward concerns, ideas and questions that the HCSGA can help you and our campus with.

I am looking forward to a wonderful year of growth, change and empowerment, and I am excited to officially kick off the fall semester and hit the ground running. Congratulations to our newly elected HCSGA leaders and best of luck to all students for their fall semester in both academics and endeavors.


Logan H. Samuels

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