Study Abroad Spotlight: Lydia Emory

Lydia Emory is a junior this year at Hood College. Last semester she studied abroad in Seville, Spain. This is an interview with her about her experience.

1) How long did it take you to get to Seville?
Well, it should have taken me only about 13 hours. However, I was unlucky and had a delayed flight in Philadelphia, which then resulted in me missing my flight from Barcelona to Seville. I had to wait for 6 hours in Barcelona for my next flight, so it took me around 24 hours to get from the United States to my home-stay in Seville!

2) What did you do there?
I took classes throughout my semester. Whenever I was not in class, I was exploring Seville as well as other cities and sites around Andalusia, in southern Spain, such as Cadiz, Granada, Ronda, and Cordoba.

3) What was the best food item you tasted there?
My favorite food I ate in Seville is something called Tortilla espanola, or Tortilla de patatas. It literally translates into potato omelet, and essentially that’s what it is! It may sound strange, but it is so delicious.  One of the best things about it is that you can add almost anything to it to make it more flavorful: spinach, tomatoes, peppers, etc. Though, just a plain one is super good too!

4) What was your favorite part about studying abroad in Seville?
My whole trip was amazing, so it is very hard to pick out a specific favorite part. However, if I had to talk about one of my favorite things, it was the beauty of Seville. The weather was always beautiful and the city is very old, so every day I would be walking past buildings that are centuries old.

5) Any advice for students planning to study abroad for a semester?
Get lost in the city/country you’re studying abroad in! The funniest and most crazy stories come about that way!

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